Where to Get Food in Glen Cove
Glen Cove Senior Center
130 Glen Street
Lunch meals are served daily in-house at 12:00 pm. If you are a member of the center and would like to order lunch, please call our nutrition line at 516-676-6182. Meals must be ordered two days in advance. The Center also offers to go meals for the weekend on Fridays. Weekend meals need to be ordered by Wednesday of the current week. If you would like to become a member please call 516-759-9610 and ask for Jacqui or Heidi.
NOSH Delivers!
NOSH works to create a hunger-free thriving community. If you are in need of food, please call NOSH’s Emergency Line at 516-366-0277 or email to noshforli@gmail.com.
North Shore Soup Kitchen (NSSK)
NSSK serves nutritious hot meals every Tuesday and Thursday from 12:00 pm–1:00 pm and is located at the First Baptist Church, 7 Continental Place, Glen Cove. To contact NSSK, call 516-759-7726 or email to info@northshoresoupkitchen.org
Cove Animal Rescue
36 Morris Avenue
The shelter is offering a full pantry of pet food to those who need it.
If you are in need of any social service help, please contact either of our social workers:
Sherri Meagher smeagher@glencoveny.gov
Marily Mohsin mmohsin@glencoveny.gov