Our full range of programs and services are designed to meet the needs of our many members. They include:
- Curb-to-Curb Transportation for seniors in Glen Cove, Glen Head, Glenwood Landing and Sea Cliff
- Nutritious Luncheon Program, including both hot and cold meal selections
- Health and Wellness Classes (traditional exercise, tai chi, yoga, seniorobics, strength training, walking club, nutrition counseling, traditional and holistic health seminars)
- Health Screenings and Support Groupsprograms senior center dropdown
- Brain Fitness: To help feed the mind, we offer several programs.
- Inspirational Afternoons (lectures, workshops, readings and recitals in the arts and sciences)
- Cultural Arts Classes (drawing and painting, line dancing, belly dancing, ceramics, sculpture and crafts, creative writing, choral group, dance band and language workshops)
- Individualized Computer Training (all levels)
- Trips (ball games, museums, parks, shopping, concerts, theatre events, tours)
- Social Services Assistance -- Project Beacon (information, referrals, short-term counseling, case management, bereavement and entitlement support and tax assistance)
- Intergenerational Programs
- Recreation for fun, mental stimulation and socialization (scrabble, mahjong, pool, chess, bridge and other card games, bingo, book club, conversation classes and multi-ethnic year-long celebrations)
- Volunteer Opportunities (at our Center and in the community)
- Adult Day Program (for seniors with special needs and caregiver respite)
- Friendly Visiting and Telephone Reassurance to homebound seniors
- Transportation to local grocery stores for food shopping
- Defensive Driving Classes (in conjunction with AARP)
- Medical Transportation (in conjunction with the City of Glen Cove)
- Advocacy (assistance in health, housing, legal and financial concerns)
- Outreach (community, county, national and international efforts)