The Glen Cove Senior Center is currently funded through on-going grants from the United States Administration on Aging, the New York State Office for the Aging, and the Nassau County Office for the Aging, as well as the generous support of the City of Glen Cove. However, government funding is limited and additional public and private support is needed to sustain our current level of service and expand the programs we have been proud to provide our senior community for more than 30 years.
There are several ways your contributions can make a real difference:
- Become a friend of the Glen Cove SAGE Foundation
- Volunteer your time and talent to special projects and join our devoted corps of spirited men and women who so generously energize our Center
- Consider donating new and gently used clothing and accessories to our Rose Shoppe
- Consider participating in our Craft Cove Boutique
Please speak with our Executive Director, Christine Rice at (516) 759-9615 if you are interested in volunteer or sponsorship opportunities or if you have questions.
Thank you for choosing to support us and for helping to ensure that our legacy of providing quality care for older adults lives on.